
What Happens When You Eat at Night

What Happens When You Eat at Night

The world from our universe

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper.” Have you ever heard this saying? It’s just another myth. It doesn’t matter what time you’re eating. What matters is how much you have been eating throughout the day.

Unless we are talking about amputation, liposuction, or fluid therapy, there is NO situation where eating less calories than you burn (a caloric deficit) leads to weight gain. “The body is more complex than that”. No. It’s not. It’s pure physics. There are situations where it is more DIFFICULT to stay in a caloric deficit, but that is another point of discussion.

Consume foods in moderation and burn off more calories than you consume. As long as you’re in a caloric balance (not exceeding your caloric limit) you won’t gain weight.

If you want our full breakdown of fat loss and calories, check out Diet Like a Doctor here.


Molly S. Bray,. NIH working group report-using genomic information to guide weight management: From universal to precision treatment. Obesity, 2016; 24 (1): 14

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