
Category: Workout Structure

Woman doing chin up

Pocket Guide for Back Workouts

Back Workout: Your Exercise Guide Your back muscles are essential for spinal and core stability and are the foundation to a strong lift. The muscles of the back are divided into: Instrinsic muscles ( semispinalis, multifidus and rotatores: fuse

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Posture sitting on a computer

What’s Good Posture?

What does good posture look like? “Keep your spine neutral”, “tuck your shoulder blades”, “avoid butt wink”. These advice stem from classic physiotherapy looking for the position in which weight is evenly distributed across the body, so that

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Man squatting with a narrow stance

Is Squatting Enough To Train Your Abs?

Many bodybuilders believe that squats and deadlifts are the only exercises you need in order to train your abdominal muscles adequately. However, EMG studies have shown that muscle activity in the rectus abdominis muscle is minimal compared to

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How to Measure Workout Intensity

This study looked into how well lifters can guess how close they are to failure by asking them how many more reps they can do (reps in reserve, RIR) and then letting them go to failure to see

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Two weights on the floor

Why You’re Failing With Toning Your Muscles

What is endurance and how can you improve it? Your choice of weight might be the key here! What is Strength and Endurance? Muscular endurance isn’t as clearly defined as strength. Strength is classically measured using a so-called

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pillars of explosive


Are you an athlete training for an endurance sport? You better be implementing some heavy weight strength training into your workout regimen as well, rather than just focusing on endurance training. Stronger athletes move faster, have better posture

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Wanna do more pull ups?

Wanna do more pull ups?

Wanna do more pull ups? Contrary to what you might think, soley working on doing many reps of pull-ups is not the optimal way to increase the maximum amount of pull ups you can do. Endurance is actually

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A barbell with weights

Why You Should Use Supersets

Supersets (doing two exercises directly after each other with no rest between the two exercises) are a good way to save time in the gym. Besides saving you time, this study has shown that using reciprocal supersets (i.e.

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