
Category: Disease

Why Sitting Too Long Is Bad for You

Did you know that 5 MILLION people die each year because of physical inactivity? Current recommendations are 75-150 min cardio and 2 weight training sessions per week. How can we help people get there? Before we dive into

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Cancer on a magazine paper zoomed

The Truth About Sugar And Cancer

Does sugar feed cancer? The idea originally came from the discovery that cancer cells use sugar without oxygen (glycolysis) more than regular cells do, called the Warburg effect (1). But it’s not sugar that CAUSES this change. Cells

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Genetics and a blue DNA chain

Will Protein Affect Your Kidneys?

Physicians once feared kidney damage as a result of too high protein intake, as protein breakdown results in the production of urea which the kidneys have to deal with, but the kidney can handle high protein even at

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How To Use Sleep To Avoid Catching A Cold

To stay consistent with your workouts it is important for you to stay healthy! An increasing number of studies demonstrate that low sleep quality and short sleep duration are associated with an increased susceptibility to infectious diseases (1-3).

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The Truth About Gluten

Gluten, a protein found in grains, is in healthy people digested to amino acids. SOME people have celiac disease, where their gut reacts with inflammation towards gluten, slowly giving symptoms. The diagnosis is made by a simple blood

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Red Meat Vs Smoking

‘What the Health’ claims that red meat is in the same WHO category as tobacco when it comes to cancer. Have they fooled you with this statement? First off, cancer has been associated to PROCESSED RED MEAT consumption

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