
Category: Health

Pregnant women in blue using bands to workouts

Exercising During Pregnancy – Good or Bad?

For a long time, women were discouraged from exercising during pregnancy due to lack of research about pregnant women’s’ health. During the 1980s, women began to question these claims and more research was done in the field. Frida

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Sunset giving vitamin D

Doctor’s Take on Vitamin D

Vitamin D, can exist as D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). Vitamin D levels are too low in two out of five people! When is this a problem? Study after study continues to add new data regarding the positive

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DNA tests to predict muscle

Can DNA Tests Predict Gains?

Can DNA-tests really predict performance? This first-of-its-kind study tries to answer this question! It let athletes take DNA-tests from their saliva and used 14 gene variants to classify them as either “endurance” or “power” athletes, based on their

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Mental health and overweight

How Being Overweight Affects Mental Health

Depression & Anxiety I am currently doing my psychiatry rotations, and I am SHOCKED to see how depression and anxiety ruins peoples’ lives. Keep in mind that I’m talking about CLINICAL depression and anxiety. This is NOT the

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Posture sitting on a computer

What’s Good Posture?

What does good posture look like? “Keep your spine neutral”, “tuck your shoulder blades”, “avoid butt wink”. These advice stem from classic physiotherapy looking for the position in which weight is evenly distributed across the body, so that

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Insulin and sugar, injection

Can Insulin help you build muscle?

“Eat some candy after your workout, you need to keep those insulin levels high bro, that’s how you get jacked”. No “bro”, it isn’t. Insulin is a hormone that tells your body’s cells to use the sugar in

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Cancer on a magazine paper zoomed

The Truth About Sugar And Cancer

Does sugar feed cancer? The idea originally came from the discovery that cancer cells use sugar without oxygen (glycolysis) more than regular cells do, called the Warburg effect (1). But it’s not sugar that CAUSES this change. Cells

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