
Month: April 2018

The Truth About Fat Burners

The idea of a pill that will burn your fat for you is an enticing one, but also a lie! What people often want from a fat burner is a pill to help them lose weight, and there

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A Good Workout Is When Your Muscles Get Sore?

We often hear people freak out because they AREN’T getting sore, thinking that their workouts were a waste. Here’s why you don’t need to be worried. –    Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is the muscle ache experience

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Should You Workout When Sore?

DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) is a phenomenon experienced when you perform an exercise you are not used to. We have previously mentioned that it is okay to train with DOMS, albeit that your performance will be reduced

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How Your Attitude Affects Your Results

It is probably not surprising that your attitude when approaching a challenge strongly affects your results. Sometimes expecting results will actually lead to better results than if you were not expecting any results. An example of this is

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The Truth About Gluten

Gluten, a protein found in grains, is in healthy people digested to amino acids. SOME people have celiac disease, where their gut reacts with inflammation towards gluten, slowly giving symptoms. The diagnosis is made by a simple blood

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Natural Vs Unnatural Chemicals

The fear of “chemicals” is really fascinating to us. “Unnatural artificial chemicals”. Sounds kinda scary right? But what is natural? Something found in the jungle? And does something being “natural” say anything about whether or not it is

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Erytrocytes in a picture

Blood Type Diets

Sometimes we can become intrigued by an idea that sounds good in theory, such as the claim that foods will react differently depending on your blood type, and that, to lose weight optimally, you therefore should adapt your

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How To Train All Muscle Fibers

Muscles are made up of long cells known as muscle fibers, innervated by a nerve cell (neuron) which stimulates the muscle to contract. Stimulating the right type of muscle fiber can impact your physique! One nerve cell can

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A man with a huge fat belly

Losing Weight Is Easy, But…

What many people don’t realize when they decide to go on a diet is that temporarily changing what you eat will lead to you temporarily changing your weight. There are many diets which give short-term results, and it

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